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Read About Magick and Witchcraft.
A collection of written articles by Silvercrow on a wide variety of magickal, spiritual and natural topics.
2 min read
The power of suggestion
As humans we mostly live our lives based on our external world. We take in the information of what we experience and sense, and we...
4 min read
The magick of snow and how to work with it
Snow is a truly magickal resource and it can be put to great use within a wide variety of spell work. Snow brings light onto the darkness...
3 min read
The role of hair in magickal folklore
Throughout folklore, the importance of hair is a common feature - it’s been associated with spirituality and divinity since very early in...
3 min read
The deeper meaning of the Forget-Me-Not
The delicate blue flowers which we give this name are powerful symbols of our connection to ourselves and to each other - they remind us...
2 min read
Spirit dolls - friend or foe?
Spirit dolls - or witch dolls - have been used for centuries in magick associated with ancestors and spirit. They are crafted for various...
4 min read
The thinning of the veil
During the month of October it’s said that the “veil” between the world of the living and the world of spirit is at its thinnest. The...
3 min read
Recipe for a real witches brew
"Hubble bubble, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and...
2 min read
The superstitions of shooting stars
Shooting stars are a feature of many animated love stories, sci-fi films and fairy tales, and they’ve been seen as a symbol of good...
3 min read
The origins of Samhain
Samhain (pronounced as Sow-in) is celebrated between 31st October and 1st November. It’s the most important of the 4 major sabbats on the...
3 min read
The Conjuring of Desires
We all hear often about how we can manifest our own reality, - which is absolutely true - and we all know the importance of visualising...
4 min read
Pumpkin Spice - The Fire Blend
This time of year, almost every food or drink shop has pumpkin spiced something on its menu. It’s become a staple of Autumn across the US...
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The Fruits of the Underworld
Autumn is always a time of paradoxes. It’s a time of year when both fruitful abundance of the harvest is plenty, and also a time of decay...
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The origins of Bluetooth
Our modern world is filled with connectivity. All our devices are always connected to the internet and to each other. Since the birth of...
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Why do people fear Friday the 13th?
Friday the 13th is a dreaded day to millions of people. It’s been considered unlucky for a very long time and this date of misfortune has...
3 min read
Make your own elderberry immunity infusion
This time of year in the UK delicious elderberries are everywhere! These tiny black beads of goodness pack a powerful punch when it comes...
5 min read
Empowering ourselves through magick
In witchcraft and magick in general, we become more powerful witches or magick users by working on ourselves. We are the source of our...
4 min read
Fairytales: more than just a story?
“And they lived happily ever after…” A big part of magick is all about visualisation, and by using the power of our imagination, we are...
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The Witch Posts of Yorkshire
A curious custom which seems to solely belong to North Yorkshire in Northern England is that of the witch posts. There are less than 20...
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Knock on wood
This very old ritual seems to be a universal one and is believed to have its roots in Proto-Indo-European culture, or ancient Celtic...
2 min read
Working with Dragon Energies
Dragon magick can be used as a powerful force of transformation within witchcraft. Dragon lore holds a huge amount of symbolism, from...
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