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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Crystallised thoughts and spellcraft

If we stop to think about it, all physical things in the world are purely crystallised thoughts.

The table, the chair, the house, the car, the phone you’re reading this on... all of it was once purely in the imagination of the person or people who created it.

It was also once in your mind too, before you even had it!

The very fact that you have the things you have in your home is only because you - at some point in time - thought about it.

You desired it, you took some form of action in order to get it - whether that was going to a shop, browsing online, or saving up for it - then you got it, and now it sits in your home.

All of that in itself is a solidified thought, a crystallised idea that - because of your desire, want, needs and actions - is now manifest and 'real' in your home and life.

All of life is like this.

The places we go, the people we meet, the things we collect... all of it is because of a thought we had at some point in time about that thing, place or person, and because of the thoughts of others about that thing, place or person.

In this sense, all of that is a form of magick. It’s manifesting at its rawest and most basic form.

So if those things came about because of the thoughts of you or others, imagine what else you could manifest in the same way...!

Literally imagine. Because that is the key to everything we want.

When we imagine, dream, want and desire something, we are more likely to pour our energy into acquiring or attaining it. This also goes for situations too.

Spells work by adding energy - or disrupting the energy of a problem - in order to manifest a solution to that problem.

The act of casting a spell - or performing some sort of magickal action with intent - allows us to focus the mind, shut out the noise, and place our energy onto the thing we desire.

By doing this, we solidify the thought in our mind, which means we are more likely to take some action in order to achieve it.

It’s really that’s simple!

Don’t get me wrong: the actions needed aren’t always easy.

But by taking that step to actually do the actions (or at least taking steps towards an action) while holding the intention clearly in your mind, you are one step closer to achieving your outcome.

One step closer to crystallising your thoughts.

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