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Make your own elderberry immunity infusion

This time of year in the UK delicious elderberries are everywhere!

These tiny black beads of goodness pack a powerful punch when it comes to boosting the immune system.

They’re packed full of nutrients and immune system supporting compounds which stave off colds and flu as we head towards the colder months.

In just 145g (1 cup for those in the US) you’ll get the following;

  • 52 mg of vitamin C per 145g of fruit, which accounts for 57% of the daily recommended intake.

  • 10 grams of fiber per cup of fresh berries, about 36% of the daily intake.

  • The berries are a great source of phenolic acids. This is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body.

  • Elderberry contains the antioxidant flavonols quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin. These compounds give the fruit its characteristic dark black-purple color and are a strong anti-inflammatory component.

Elderberry has been used for centuries to treat colds and flu, as well as a wide variety of other ailments, including inflammation, infections, heart conditions, sciatica, nerve pain or dental issues.

The berries should be picked when they are black and shiny and boiled before use.

Claire and I went foraging for some wild elderberries last week, and I made a powerful immune boosting syrup with them, which we’ll freeze into ice cubes and use throughout the winter months.


You'll need:

* About 500g (or about 3.5 cups)  of freshly picked elderberries. Enough to about half fill a large pan.

* 1 orange, sliced.

* 1 lemon, sliced.

* Half a stick of cinnamon.

* 2-3 thin slices of fresh ginger root or 2 tsp of ground ginger.

* 4 tbsp honey. Local if possible.

* 300g of sugar (white, brown, Demerara or coconut sugar is all good)


1. Place all of the berries, sliced fruit and spices  into a large pan on the hob.

2. Cover with the sugar.

3. Add about a couple of cups of clean filtered water.

4. Bring to a gentle boil. Stirring constantly until all of the sugar and honey has fully melted.

5. Once all is melted down, and the mixture is bubbling, allow it to simmer away on a very low heat for about 20 minutes.

6. Then take off the heat and allow to sit for 3 minutes with the lid off.

7. Add the honey and stir in.

8. Then take a muslin cloth, fine sieve or natural filter paper, and decant into a clean sterilised glass jar and leave to fully cool before putting the lid on.

9. You can dispose of the berries, and other solid matter in your food waste bin. It’s probably not great to leave them out for animals as the sugars will still be prevalent on the fruit.

10. Once the mixture is all fully cool you’ll have a deep crimson, almost blood-looking liquid, which will be sweet and delicious to taste.

11. If freezing like we are, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Then to use, just take one out if you feel sniffles, sore throats or coughs coming on - or just when you fancy - and place into a hot cup of water, use as a cordial, in herbal tea, or even your favourite spirit or cocktail!

It tastes amazing and you’ll be getting all of the wonderful natural health benefits too!


A couple of points to bear in mind when picking fresh elderberry though;  the leaves, bark, branches, stems and roots, and the green or red unripe berries of elder are poisonous when ingested.

They contain high levels of Cyanogenic Glycosides which can make some people very sick and in large amounts, can even prove fatal, so don’t use any other parts of the elder other than the flowers, (which come before the berries appear) and the very dark black/purple berries to eat or drink.

Enjoy the benefits of this natural immune-booster this Autumn - it's truly amazing how nature takes care of us, isn't it?

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