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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Embracing Ostara

Marking the first day of spring and the Spring Equinox - typically between 19-22 March in the Northern Hemisphere - comes the pagan sabbat of Ostara.

Ostara is a time of balance. Of equalities.

A time of the balance between dark and light, of sun and moon.

It’s also a time of balance within ourselves too.

It’s the time for a spiritual spring clean, for dusting off the cobwebs so to speak, and embracing the light of the new.

Just as new shoots begin to burst forth from the long dormant seeds, so too does our intuitive senses as we also experience new growth.

We may not always be aware of it, but regardless, it will happen anyway.

By being actively aware of this time and of what it means for us on an individual level, it makes the process so much easier as we embrace this ancient magick.

Here are some ways to embrace Ostara:

  • Now is the time for action and making decisions. Stop sitting on the fence! Be decisive, step forward and embrace the new growth as it happens.

  • Lean in to all new beginnings, new projects, whether business, or personal. If you’ve been putting off a new venture, new business, new home move, new relationships, whatever it is, now is the time to take action on that.

  • Embark on new adventures and travels, as this time is one of movement and enacting your will.

  • Balance yourself and embrace all that is to come in the near future, with excitement and vigour. Times are a-changing, so stepping into that change is nourishing to your soul.

This is the time for new life. So start yours and get out there and live it!

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