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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Equanimity and how to find balance in the everyday

I love the power of words and language.

Our ability to use language and our understanding of the written and spoken word, is to wield a great power that can effect the very fabric of our being.

As a green witch, my practice is all about balance. The balance of self, and the balance and synchronising with the natural world and the cycles of nature. As nature is constantly changing, so too we constantly need to readjust our practice to ensure we remain in balance with it.

There is a word that beautifully describes this, that word is Equanimity.

Equanimity comes from the Latin æquanimitas, the etymology of which is made up of two different Latin words, ‘aequus’ meaning even or equal, and ‘animus’ meaning spirit or mind.

Equanimity describes the state of psychological stability and composure which is “undisturbed by the experience of, or exposure to, emotions, pain, or some other event or situation that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind.”

Within witchcraft, this practise of self balance and composure is one of the highest importance.

Casting a spell when the mind is not in balance, is never a good idea! There are far too many variables to consider within magick that can have unforeseen consequences if we aren’t fully focused and on point with our intentions.

Part of my own practise involves me being able to bring myself back into a state of equanimity in a very short timeframe, after any event that has caused me upset, anger or distress.

This ability of self regulation is of huge importance to me.

That’s not to dismiss my emotions or be unaccepting of feelings, in fact it’s the complete opposite of that, it’s allowing myself to feel everything I need to, feel it all, the pain, anger, sadness, grief, whatever it may be, and then still be able to bring myself back to the present moment, ground myself, and restore the balance to my mind, my nervous system and my spirit.

By practising this often, and being highly aware of both my mind and body through the use of my senses, it has allowed me to very quickly and effectively, be able to pull myself back into a state of calm equilibrium even after a stressful situation.

There are several ways we can learn to do this, it takes practise and making it a part of our daily routine, but when we are able to do this, the effects on how we cope with stressful situations is infinitely better not only for ourselves, but also for those we share our homes and lives with.

Here are 5 things to try, to begin be able to bring yourself into a state of Equanimity. These are all things I do myself, so I know them to work very well.

Sensory check-in

Each morning when you get out of bed, spend 2 minutes just being still.

You can even do it while having your morning cuppa.

Take a couple of deep breaths in and out.

Then ”scan” your entire body and ask yourself the following:

What do you see in your immediate present moment?

What do you hear?

What do you smell?

What do you taste?

What do you feel? Is there any pain or anxiety anywhere? If so where in the body is it?

What is your heart doing? Is it beating fast or slow or balanced?

What is your breathing doing?

By checking in with your senses and scanning your whole being, you’re not only becoming highly aware of your physical and emotional self, but you’re also bringing yourself fully into the present moment, both of which are hugely beneficial practises.


This is a big one. Get your shoes and socks off!

We spend our lives insulating ourselves from the earth with rubber soles and socks. Get your feet bare, allow them to breathe, and connect with the outside. Place them on grass, soil, sand or in the sea, as often as you’re able. This not only restores your nervous system to a place of balance, but it also floods your body with electrons, which instantly oxygenates your blood, meaning it carries more life giving energy around your body and helps it flow better.

This also breaks down inflammation across your entire body, which leads to actively fighting disease. You’ll feel your shoulders slump, tension leave you, and anxieties begin to fade. 

Ground yourself daily and you’ll start to notice all those little aches and pains begin to vanish.

Rest when you need to

We’re always busy being busy!

Whether you’re employed, work for yourself or don’t work at all, we still lead busy lives.

Find the time in the day, when you need it to rest. Even for 10-15 minutes.

Take time away from devices, tv, computers and phones.

Take time for you to rest and recover your energy.

The day will feel a lot more manageable when you take these micro-rests.

Also getting a proper amount of sleep and quality rest at night is hugely important to being able to regulate the nervous system easier.

Drink plenty of water

Our bodies are made up of more than 60% water, and all of our organs and bodily functions need it to work. 

Most of us don’t get enough throughout the day, but it’s important we drink plenty.

We can also add a powerful herbal kick to our water intake too which can aid in the healing properties it gives us.

A great way is by adding cleavers to your cold water bottle.

Cleavers, also known as “sticky Willy” is that “weed” that kids throw at each other and it sticks to clothes.  The bright green sticky plant (see below)

By creating a cold water infusion using this plant, we can use it to cleanse the lymphatic system, calm and reduce inflammation, cleanse the kidneys and liver and increase liver function, and even sooth skin complaints and irritation.

Just place a handful of cleavers into a bottle or jar of cold water, put it in the fridge and let the herb do its magick overnight. Then just drink it.

Go easy on yourself

We don’t always get things right. It’s human nature. We are perfectly imperfect beings. 

As such, we can often give ourselves a hard time when we don’t do what we need to.

We blame ourselves and give ourselves a guilt trip when we don’t eat as we should, don’t exercise, don’t drink enough water, don’t sleep well, spend too long working etc… but we’re human.

We aren’t perfect.

So stop being so hard on yourself.

Do what you can when you can.

If your anxiety does overtake you, if you aren’t immediately able to pull yourself back to balance, that’s ok. There’s always another time.

Take it slowly and be kind to yourself always.

Self care is probably the most important part of bringing about a state of equanimity.

So talk to yourself like you are someone you love.

Because you are! And you are loved.

Be kind to you!

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