Magick underpins our entire society.
All of our institutions - the media, governments, the news, and all corporate establishments - all operate on glamour.
The word 'glamour' comes from an old Scottish word ‘glamer’, meaning enchantment, magick or spell.
Similarly too, the word ‘grammar’, which now has the meaning of the study of words, originally meant to study magick, enchantment or the occult.
In our modern world of fast media, online influencers, fake news, celebrity and propaganda, we are exposed to glamour magick on a daily basis.
We refer to celebrities as being “glamorous”, and to be ‘glamoured’ or ‘glamorous’ is to be under an enchantment or illusion.
Glamour magick is very old. This illusory type of magick has been used for centuries to project a false image of what the world is actually like.
Our maps don’t depict the correct scale, our media tells us lies, celebrities appear glamorous but often that’s just an illusion to their reality, our government systems tell us one thing and then do another, the news of the day is corrupted and projects a false narrative to confuse us and keep us operating in fear...
Glamour magick underpins all of that.
To understand magick is to see through the glamour and to understand the world as it is, not as it’s being glamourised to be.
Online our lives appear exciting and inspiring, which often draws envy, when in reality our lives are probably as mundane as everyone else’s. It’s all a glamour!
Glamour magick is all about influencing others, whether that’s to deceive and control or to inspire and empower. And as with all magick, it’s all about intention.
In folklore, the Celtic deity, The Morrigan, is a master of glamour magick.
She’s a shapeshifter who can alter her appearance to deceive and manipulate, but also to enable her to move around undetected and to give us signs.
But aside from seeing through the glamour that others project, we can use glamour magick ourselves to empower and inspire ourselves and others.
We can use our own glamours in how we dress, how we present ourselves, how we speak and how we act. We can inspire, motivate and empower ourselves and others to be the best version of ourselves we can be.
When we dress well, we move well, we feel confident, we know we look good and so our entire body changes. We assert ourselves more and we exude confidence in our energy, which others then feel and want to be around.
By using our own glamours we can alter our physical reality and create the life we want.
To understand the glamour is to take back our control of our world from those who seek to control us.
To download your free PDF guide to seeing through the glamours of society, click here.
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