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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Jumping through The Lion's Gate

So today is 8/8/8, otherwise known as The Lions Gate Portal.

How so? Well, if we take the 2’s in 2024 and add them together we get 4. Add that to the 4 and we get 8, which completes the 888 trinity date.

The Lions Gate portal happens each year and falls between 28th July and 12th August. This is the time when the sun is in Leo and is aligned with the star Sirius, the constellation of Orion’s Belt, and the Earth.

Today, 8th of August, marks the time midway between this alignment.

The Lions Gate Portal is a time of heightened energy for manifesting.

It’s a time when spells, intentions, visions, projects and dreams are heightened as the energy from this cosmic alignment is increased. This also means it’s the perfect time for manifesting the future, states of being, things and events you want.

A great way to do this is to use the “2 cup spell”. This method is very simple but incredibly powerful. It’s also based on some pretty strong science too...

There is a theory in quantum physics known as “quantum jumping”.

This is where the existence of infinite realities and versions of this very moment exist within different dimensions, and are all playing out at the same time. So for instance, if you are feeling depressed or anxious in this reality right now, there is another reality also in this moment where you are feeling joyful, happy and excited instead.

With quantum jumping, we are able to “jump” our consciousness into any one of these infinite realities - after all, we are living in all possibilities all at the same time, so it’s really not a big leap to go to one of those new ones and shift our consciousness...

As with all spellcasting, it’s important to get your intentions crystal clear in your mind. Bring forth the thing you wish to manifest - be it money, a new job, a happy relationship, a new partner, whatever it is - and be as specific as possible.

Once you have your intention set, another important step in all spellcasting is to let it go!

This is vital as attaching emotion and dwelling on your intention will keep it stuck and tethered to this realm and won’t allow it to manifest, as we put our own emotional blocks upon it.


To do this you need the following;

- 2 clean drinking glasses;

- Some clean filtered fresh water;

- Post It notes;

- A pen.

Here’s what to do:

I. Get two empty glasses.

2. Decide on a specific goal you wish to achieve and accomplish.

3. Write down your current situation and your desired outcome on two post it notes.

4. Stick one post it to one glass, and the other to the other glass.

5. Fill the glass with water that is/has your current situation.

6. Pour the water into the desired outcome glass then drink.

While this may seem very simple, it uses both the quantum jumping theory, but also utilises the memory of water too.

Water is able to hold and remember energy - whatever energy we project into water, the crystalline structure of water will hold that energy in its structure.

When we drink that, we are imbibing that energy into ourselves - it’s why it’s not good to drink water which has been standing for a while as it takes on all kinds of energy from all around us.

By switching the water, we are “quantum jumping” our consciousness from one reality to another of our choosing.

Give it a go, journey through the Lions Gate Portal today, and let us know how you get on.

It’s a really powerful method of manifesting and a way of completely altering your consciousness.

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