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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Nailing your worries

Throughout life we tend to catastrophise.

We worry about things that haven’t happened yet - and often, never will - but we still worry about them regardless. This worry steals our energy.

Our present can become drained as we worry about the ‘what ifs’ and allow our minds to wonder into the realms of ‘maybe’.

Sometimes those worries get overwhelming and cloud our actions and judgments. We feel swamped by fear and it can be paralysing to our logical minds.

One way of easing those fears, and transferring all that fear out of our head and away from our energy, is by ‘nailing it’ with a worry jar.

A worry jar is a magickal item which takes the worries from our mind, and is used to contain them away from us, until we are able to dispose of them safely.

It works by first creating your jar.

This can be any jar you are drawn to. Make it something special and magickal by decorating it, using anything you like. Paint it, draw on it, cover it in colourful string or ribbon or whatever you like. The jar should be made of glass and have a lid which can be screwed tightly.

Next you’ll need some iron nails. These need to be iron, not zinc or any other metal. Iron has well known magickal and energetic properties and is well associated and tied to our physiology and emotions, as well as the magnetic energies of our aura and the moon. It’s also important as our blood too contains this powerful metal, there’s very good reason humans have a very old, powerful and very deep connection to it. We are quite literally attracted to it!

When you feel a worry creeping into your mind, take a nail.

Focus your mind on to the nail and pull the worry to the front of your mind. Hold the nail in your hand, head side up, and visualise that worry turning into a thread of white light.

Place the head of the nail close to your forehead, and imagine that white thread of light, containing the worry, wrapping itself around the nail.

As it winds and coils around it, slowly pull the nail from your forehead and visualise the thread being pulled from your mind attached to the nail as you do.

Then when the thread has been pulled from your mind, place the nail in the jar, place the lid back in place and screw it on tightly.

Then place the jar on a windowsill so it can get sunlight and moonlight.

Do the same each time you have a worry throughout the month, and on the next Full Moon, take the jar outside, empty the nails out and bury them in your garden.

If you don’t have a garden, just place the ‘worry infused’ nails into a bag and dispose of them in the bin.

Then place the empty jar back on the windowsill until you need it again.

This powerful spell jar will leave your mind worry free and allow you emotional and mental space to live your life without the heavy burden of fear.

So nail your worries and lighten your load!

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