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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

The Conjuring of Desires

We all hear often about how we can manifest our own reality, - which is absolutely true - and we all know the importance of visualising the outcome of our desire.

But even more importantly than that is the conjuration of the feelings and emotions we feel when we have achieved our desire and had that desire fulfilled.

Think about it. The feelings we feel when we get something we really want, or get to achieve something we’ve wanted for a long time... there’s no feeling like it.

It fills our whole body and mind with feel good energy. We are buzzing, vibing high and have a spring in our step!

These feelings are what we need to learn how to conjure at will, when we wish to manifest something.

We need to get good at feeling these feelings, as if the outcome of what we want has ALREADY happened.

This is not something we wish for in the future.

We need to want it in the Now, the present, and it requires our whole body, mind and energy to feel into what it feels like to have that thing right now.

When we learn to attach both our visualisations and emotions to what we want to manifest, the power is immense!

It happens, and it happens quickly.

Focus will always go where our energy flows, and so when we can get really focused on what we want, our energy will flow towards that.

If we only focus on what we don’t want, our energy will flow towards that too.

So we need to be careful and very specific.

Here’s a little exercise you can do to train yourself to feel into what you want, and enable you to conjure up the emotional backing needed for it to manifest into our reality.


1. Find a quiet space you won’t be disturbed.

2. Take some deep breaths, relax your mind and body, and focus on each part of your body, relaxing it one at a time. So starting with your head, jaw, neck, shoulders, upper body, arms etc… and scan down your whole body, consciously relaxing each muscle group as you go.

3. Conjure up a scene in your mind which depicts you receiving the thing you want, then loop it over and over again in your mind. Replay it again and again.

4. As that’s replaying in your head, conjure up the emotion you would feel on receiving this desire. Is it joy? Excitement? Happiness? Relief? Etc…

Whatever it would be, bring that emotion to the forefront of your mind and attach it to the scene playing in your head.

5. Try to maintain these images and feelings in your mind for 5 minutes.

After this, allow them to slowly fade away, as you let go of the scene and emotions surrounding it, allowing it to manifest in the time frame it’s supposed to.

6. Practice this same technique once or twice a day for 5 days.

By practicing this often, you train your brain to be able to conjure up real emotion and real desire at will, which will completely shift your energies into full creative mode.

Give it a go, and see how fast your desires appear in your life!

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