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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

The manifestation power of imagination

We often see our imagination as something that is used in childhood to aid our play.

We think of it as a tool of pretending, of fantasy, games and of make belief, and it is all of those things. But it’s so much more...

Our imagination is our vehicle of creativity. It’s what we use to shape our lives.

When we really think about it, the past and future don’t exist - our imagination conjures it up.

Our past has already happened, but the only reference we have to it is what our imagination “remembers” and memory isn’t factual - it only gives us snippets based on time, and fills in the rest.

This is why memory alone isn’t able to be used as acceptable evidence in a court of law. It’s simply not reliable enough.

If we couldn’t imagine, or had our memory erased, our past wouldn’t exist at all! We’d have a few references to the past, but we’d have to guess the rest.

Similarly with the future, the future also doesn’t exist. Not at all! It hasn’t happened yet.

Yet we imagine every day, what the future will look like. We worry and stress that something “might” happen, or we won’t achieve our goals, or some other catastrophic event will happen in our lives, yet ALL of that is merely coming from our imagination! It’s not real.

But it could be...

You see as our imagination forms our creative core, it is precisely our imaginings that help to create our present. The things, people, situations and events we have in our lives currently (at least those we can control) all come about because at some point beforehand, we imagined them as being so.

We created our present moment through our thoughts and imagination. We thought about them, and then undertook some form of action to set the wheels in motion in order for them to happen.

We manifested our life as we currently know it.

Now that’s not to say everything we have in our present moment is created by our imagination. There are certain things like illness and environmental factors which we can’t necessarily control, but the majority of our present was generated by our thoughts and the creative aspects of our imagination.

If we didn’t imagine how our future would look, we wouldn’t have the life we currently do.

So if we bear all that in mind, it leaves us with a profound realisation - the present moment is ALL that exists.

The past doesn’t exist anymore, the future doesn’t exist yet. The present is all we actually have.

Therefore how we use our imagination today, right now, will shape what our future state will be.

We are masters of our own destiny. It is us who decide how our lives look, how and what we become. Our imagination literally shapes our lives into what we wish it to be.

So today when you find your mind wandering, and those familiar anxious feelings start to arrive, interrupt them as they come.

Stop and think instead about what you’d like your future to be like.

What would you like to do?

What would you like to be?

Where do you want to go? And who with?

By interrupting our more destructive patterns of thought - our negative imaginings - we can completely alter the trajectory of our lives.

We create our future.

We are the most creative beings in the universe, we are masters of our own creation.

Harness your creative powers and see where your imagination can take you.

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