As humans we mostly live our lives based on our external world. We take in the information of what we experience and sense, and we operate our beliefs and ways of being according to that stimulus.
But as witches, our practise is such that it lets us see the unseen, and experience that which is hidden from most.
In the image above, we see two dogs in the snow, closely followed by their owner.
Most would be perfectly fine with accepting this fact.
But, what if I told you that there are actually 3 dogs in this image?
Would you accept that straight away, or would you stick to my first suggestion of there being two dogs and their owner?
We face these types of conundrums all the time. How we make sense of the world around us drives our life. So training ourselves to see the bigger picture is vital.
In our magickal practise, this is even more important!
When we are working on crafting a spell for example, it’s important to see the bigger picture, to shift our perspectives and take in all available information we can.
Rather than say, crafting a spell to bring new love into our lives - which seems to be a common theme in many of the online witchcraft groups - looking at the wider picture may mean that rather than crafting a spell to “make” someone love you, it would be far better and much more useful to craft a spell of self-love upon yourself.
When you love yourself, when you build your own self confidence and boost your own self worth, you’ll automatically dress, speak, move and look more confident, and confidence is sexy and attractive to us, and so, you’ll exude that confident energy, which will, no doubt, attract people to you...!
Also by seeing the bigger picture and using our own powers of suggestion, we can completely alter how we craft and cast spells, how we connect with spirit, how we move through the world and how we interact with others.
By telling ourselves that we are powerful, that we are in full control of a situation, that we are worthy of abundance, love whatever we want, then we align our mind with our physicality. The body doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, and so we can easily get our physical reality to match up with our imaginative.
So see the bigger picture, and see that which is unseen by many.
We are powerful practitioners of the occult arts after all, and the very word ‘occult’ literally means that which is hidden.
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