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Writer's pictureSilvercrow

Why are we here?

What is our purpose? Do we even have a purpose to life? Is there some great reason we are here and if so, what is it?

It’s an age old question to which there’s not any one answer.

Human life is fleeting. In the grand scheme of things, it’s merely a tiny blip of time in infinity.

But that doesn’t mean that each one of us who are here experiencing it isn’t important!

The purpose to our very existence is to exist, to experience what it’s like to be and to feel.

Being able to feel is the most profound state any being could ever be in. As we are all energy beings housed in a sensory shell, it means that our actual essence is infinite, but our physical casing isn't.

The energy being that we are contains too much power for our physical body to hold for too long, so we burn up our resources and when the time comes, we return back to source again.

But the experience of having that sensory housing - full of nerve endings, senses, pain receptors, limbs, organs, electrical impulses and neural networks - all means that we get to feel.

We get to have an interactive, amazing experience of what it is to be a human being.

The clue is in the name; human 'being’ not human 'doing'.

We are here to ‘be’.

Here to be and exist and experience humanity in its most beautiful form.

Yes, we all do numerous things to occupy our time while we are here, but those things aren’t our actual purpose; they’re distractions for our mind.

We get to feel the full range of emotions - joy, happiness, elation, euphoria, excitement, love...

And even in times when we experience emotions that are uncomfortable to us - like sadness, grief, anxiety, anger, loss, illness, or suffering - we should still stop and take a step outside of ourselves for a minute, and just remember how lucky we are that we actually get to feel those things at all.

Because the time will come for us all when our sensory shell is burned up by our internal energy being and we’ll have to leave it to move on back to the universal source.

We’ll have to rejoin the infinite energy again, and at that point, we will no longer get to feel, because we won’t have the sensory capacity or capability to be able to.

We will be pure energy.

But that doesn’t mean we will be gone. Far from it.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, therefore, just as if we cry into the ocean, our tears aren’t gone, they’re merely added to the mass of the ocean. To continue ebbing and flowing with the tides.

Such is our energy. We are never gone - only our form is changed.

We are added to the infinite energies and we will ebb and flow for all eternity, or until we choose to have another go at the human experience all over again, when we will then be reborn into a new sensory body, and we get to live another human experience once more.

I guess the message here is that even in time of great suffering, great pain or great sadness, it’s always worth remembering that we still get to feel.

Never limit yourself, never bypass your feelings, never not allow yourself to feel, as even if it’s painful and hard, our ability to feel really is what makes life worth living.

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